How Much Content Do You Need for Your Financial Advisor Blog?
Trying to get a new financial advisor website noticed by search engines and your target audience is not an easy task.
Unless you’re an already established brand name, you’ll have to rely on content marketing to drive more organic traffic to your site. You can also take the extra step of actively promoting your content on social media, as well as promoting it through ads and sponsored posts to get more results out of the content you produce.
Will your website get lots of inbound traffic if you only post new content a couple of times a year? If you ask a bunch of digital marketers and content creators, their answer will be a resounding ‘No’.
But how much content do you need, and how often should you be posting?
According to Hubspot and Marketing Insider Group, you should be publishing 2 to 4 new blog posts every week to get the most returns in terms of traffic and conversions. Companies that published more than 11 blog posts a month saw almost 3x more traffic compared to those that only published once a month.
If you’re a small company, this will obviously definitely take up a lot of your time. If you can’t afford to devote several hours a week just to create new content for your site, you need to look for a copywriter or a team of copywriters who can.
You also have to make sure that the copywriters you choose have industry expertise and have a good understanding of your target market. Just because you’re trying to upload as many posts as possible, doesn’t mean you can compromise the quality of your content. Pushing out thin and low-quality content will have a negative effect on your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness.
Establishing an Initial Goal
If you’re just starting out, you should try to publish at least 1 to 2 blog posts a month. This will help you establish a regular schedule and will at least make your blog page look like it’s being actively updated.
As you find more qualified people to take over your content creation responsibilities, you can plan out topics in an editorial calendar ahead of time to make sure you’re able to tackle different topics and keywords effectively.
The Value of Older Posts
Over time as you accumulate more posts on your site, you’ll start to see the effects of compounding traffic. It basically means that the longer a post stays on your site, it will generate more organic traffic in an upward trend.
You should also go back to your older posts and update them at least once a year to make sure the information is still accurate and relevant. You don’t want to be quoting outdated statistics that are 10 years old.